There is nothing small about the impact of small businesses on our economy. If we support these businesses by shopping with them, we are taking part in creating tomorrow’s business leaders.
Small businesses include sole proprietors, partnerships to small and medium companies. They range from our local grocery shop, restaurants, barbers, bakers, tailors, artists to professional service providers such as business consultants, legal consultants and tax advisors.
A growing number of innovative small businesses can also be found online. These businesses started through facebook and instagram are often started by enthusiastic, young and talented entrepreneurs who often break the stereotype and offers genius products and services to their customers.
1. Customized Services
Often, smaller businesses provide a more customized service as the owner usually is more involved in the day to day operations of the business. Small business owners have personalized relationships with their customers allowing them to understand the client and tailor the services to specifically meet that need. Knowing the person behind the business allows the customer to get a more personal experience when buying a product or a service.
2. Preserve the Uniqueness of the City
When we think about our local grocery shop or the small cafe’ we frequent in our daily lives, there is something unique about them. For instance, while a lot of international food chains, such as Pizza Hut, Burger King, Secret Recipe and KFC, have opened shop here in the recent years, they cannot compare to the uniqueness brought to the ambiance of the city by our local food outlets.
We cannot find such shops or cafes in any other part of the world. They are unique to our locality and their distinctive features and design give our city its flavor and original style.
3. A Healthier Choice
Buying locally grown fruits, vegetables, poultry and fish from local farmers and fisherman is a healthier choice compared to buying imported goods. When we buy local products we are ensuring that our food is fresh, organic and grown in favorable conditions.

4. Supporting the Economy
When we buy from small businesses we are supporting the individuals in the economy who need it the most. Most small business owners start from humble beginnings putting everything on the line to support themselves and their families. Supporting small businesses, buying from them and helping them become successful is a great way to contribute to the local economy. It is a show of respect for all the risks and challenges that small business owners take to bring a great product or service to us.
5. Innovative Products and Services
Small businesses are more flexible because decisions tend to be faster when the business structure is lean and have less layers of authority. The owner, can implement a newly conceived idea right away, without waiting for approval from a board. This flexibility allows small businesses to be more versatile, innovative and try out new things.
“Support each other. Why do you need a reason to do that beside the fact that it’s the right thing to do?” – Scarr’s Pizza
We wish all the small business owners success and we are proud of the contributions that they make to make our lives better.