Businesses are operating in an increasingly uncertain, volatile and complex world and the need for good governance, risk management and compliance is stronger than ever.

What is Governance, Risk Management & Compliance?
Proper risk management ensures that the organization is aware of the risks present in its environment and have proper mitigating solutions in case those risks materialize.
Compliance to external laws and regulations as well as internal policies and guidelines are a critical issue if the organization is to remain in business and not face huge penalties.

What is a Governing Body?
The governing body sets out the policies including the risk management policy and sets responsibilities and reporting structure within these policies to ensure that the policies are implemented as desired.
The governing body works with the first line and the second line to set the direction for the company. Usually the governing body is the board of directors and board committees of the organization.
The First Line - Operational Management
The Second Line - Risk & Compliance
The roles of the second line of defense includes making the risk management framework, compliance framework, providing training on risk and compliance, identifying emerging risks and assisting management to develop processes and controls to manage risks.

The Third Line - Internal Audit
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